The Anatomy of a Viking
It is not about being a mere spectator — it is about being a participant.

Average numbers
of scarves owned
by a single member
You can't win every game. Sometimes things don't go our way. That's when you need a big HEART. We support our club through thick and thin, through good times and bad, in rain or shine, at Red Bull Arena and in hostile road environments.
We don't do quiet. Vikings are loud! We sing, cheer, and chant without breaks as long as the Red Bulls are on the pitch. In order to keep up, you need LUNGS to belt out every song, scream for every goal, and yell at every crappy call.
We know how to make an entrance. Our traditional march to Red Bull Arena is how we kick off every Red Bulls home game. Then we use our LEGS to stand and jump for 90+ minutes to inspire out club and intimidate our opponents.
Vikings aren't one dimensional. We're passionate for sure, but we also use our HEADS. We know the difference between supporting our club and behaving badly. All Vikings know that we represent our club at all times and take pride in supporting our club with everything we've got but not crossing the line into boorish behavior.
Number of jello shots it takes before ending up in a diaper
Average number of calories burned per game in section 102.
(that number triples while attending away games)
Average number of insults
hurled in the FIRST half
Average number of insults
hurled in the SECOND half
*All statistics are completely made up and should never be used as fact. Please use actual research from accredited sources.